So, anyway, here I am. My things are packed. My cello is on its way to Idaho. I prepared a bunch of excerpts from two symphonies. And I am beyond stressed out and scared. But I think it's all pretty understandable. I've never been to college before, much less to major in music (so flipping scary, why did I choose this major), AND I'm moving, like 1000 miles away. Also, snow. Eek. Help.
I guess my biggest fear is that I'll get to Idaho and show up to my audition and bomb it and not get into a decent orchestra and not get picked to have private lessons with the cello professor. That would suck. Or that I will literally be the worst cello player in rexburg, Idaho. Also totally plausible, but I am kind of mentally prepared for that. I don't know if that's helpful, though. So I guess the good news is that now my expectations can only be met or exceeded. Ahh, college. I love you already.
But, life has been pretty good up to this point. I say I'm stressed about all that stuff but I'm actually feeling really at peace about it and I'm TELLING myself that I should be stressed. Which is not very nice of me to do. I should quit doing that asap. Like I said, life has been good. I got a two new jobs. One sucked, one didn't. So I dropped the one that sucked and stuck with the one that didn't. Which was awesome. And I wasn't meeting my financial goals so my parents helped me start making bread to make up for the money I needed and my friends and family helped me raise TWO. THOUSAND. extra dollars. So now I can actually eat at school. It's very exciting. And not only that but I received random donations from people and a freaking awesome laptop from my aunt and uncle and basically lots of miracles went down that allowed me to be able to go to school at all. I'm so grateful it's overwhelming, so if you contributed to this at all, know that I don't know how I can repay you. Because that's how awesome you all are.
So, yeah. I payed off my first semester. With no scholarships. And I know some of you are probably thinking that that's my own fault for not getting good grades, but compared to other overachievers at a Mormon school I am pretty unremarkable. Whatever. I FEEL pretty remarkable because I paid for school.
So here's to hoping that I get to school and things only go uphill from here and I have an amazing time and I don't freeze to death. Wish me luck! Prayers and such are appreciated.
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